Made For More
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Made For More

Welcome again to a brand new month dear harvester! My prayer for you is that you are going to enjoy supernatural help from God making it possible for you to live to the fullness of your God’s given potential in Jesus name. We are not just going to discover that we are made for more, but you will be developed for more and be deployed to live life to the fullest. If you are like me, I know that there is something inside of you that yearns for more even though there are situations in your life that makes you doubt it’s attainable. Yet, you ought not to settle for the average life because God designed you for more.

In Genesis 1:28, God blessed man with fruitfulness, multiplication, capacity to replenish and subdue which all leads to having dominion. From the bible verse, it’s obvious that God wants us
to make progress and he has made the globe our stage. The time has now come for us to start thinking multiplication. Impact is the essence of living. I recently was flying through John F Kennedy airport in New York and it really dawned on me that it was named after him because of his impact on the
nation. As believers, we cannot afford to live for ourselves instead our entire lives should be lived committed to God’s plan and purposes which is revealed to us already through his word.

After Jesus paid the ultimate price for us, he left us with the instruction to Go and make disciples of all the nations. Our kingdom assignment is to go and make disciples so that God’s agenda can be perpetuated on earth (Matthew 28:18‑20).
I want to challenge us to live for more than the material things of life. It’s time to Dream for More! Believe for More! Decide for More! Live for More! Make Disciples of All Nations! Lead or Join a
Missional Community as you commence your journey into Maximum Impact! Read and meditate on the following scripture revealing that you are MADE FOR MORE;
Isaiah 60:22 (TPT). “I will multiply the least of you into a thousand and the weakest
one into a mighty nation. I am Yahweh, and when the right time
comes, I will accomplish it swiftly!”



Daily Confession

  • God is the strength of my life. I can do anything with Jesus in
    me (Ps. 27:1; Phil. 4:13).
  • I love others because you first loved me I am taught of the
    Lord, and His peace belongs to me (Isa. 54:13).
  • I am an overcomer! Your Word makes me a winner all the time (2 Cor. 2:14).
  • Jesus is my light. I will let my light shine all the time so everyone can see Jesus in me (John 1:4; Matt. 5:16).
  • Thank You for forgiving me of everything bad I’ve ever done and for taking sickness away from my life so I can
    be well and praise You (Ps. 103:2‑3).
  • I will give thanks and sing praises to the Lord all the time (Ps. 92:1).



    A Workman That Needs Not be Ashamed

    Humble beginnings ‑ named as such, so that you may remember there was a time you didn’t have it altogether.

    A time when you sweated and toiled to attain perfection or maybe it was success in your case. A time you had wondered if you would ever become a mastermind; a pro that others look up to. You had look at your mentors and wondered if you would be like them ‑ a person that can create a masterpiece, whilst reaching their prime.

    That is when you realised that you were not ashamed of the work you had to do. The vision you had kept you going; so, you had burned the candles and persisted through the challenges and kept at it despite the many failures.

    Now look at you! You’ve become someone else’s inspiration because you applied 2 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV) verse teaching. You were a workman that put shame aside knowing fully well that you
    must meet your goals.“ Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does
    not need to be ashamed…”

    If you’re still in the beginning phase, I’m telling you to put aside your shame and do the work you have to do to get to where you want to be (as long as it doesn’t soil your integrity).


    I know what to do
    A light has been shone on my path.
    I have sought the face of God
    He has told me what to do
    He has revealed the path I should thread
    They said God’s plans isn’t what I need at the moment
    But I know better
    I know God has a plan for me
    I know his plans are good!
    I know God’s plans for me is exactly what I need to be
    He has opened my eyes to see where I should be
    I know what to do!!!

    But God still lay your hands upon me
    Stay with me on this journey
    Reveal more of myself to me
    Remove from me what doesn’t help your ministry
    Forward my steps into the mission you set forth for me
    To create change that reaches out to others.

    God keep my mind open
    Keep me in a space where I don’t constrict myself
    Because of past experiences
    But instead propel me
    As I act on the plan you’ve set before me.

    2 Corinthians 4:17‑18


    Managing Bladder Cancer in Nigeria
    Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the cells of the bladder, the organ that stores urine. It occurs when
    abnormal cells in the bladder growand divide uncontrollably, thereby forming a tumor. In 2020 there were 573,000 new cases of bladder cancer and 213,000 deaths from the disease worldwide alone, it is about four times more
    common in men than women. In addition, it is the ninth most common cancer among men and the sixth most prevalent cancer overall. With an anticipated 1,000 new cases and 600 deaths from bladder cancer in Nigeria annually.

    It is believed that certain lifestyle factors, such as smoking, family history, infection of the bladder, and exposure to
    certain chemicals, may increase the risk of developing the disease. Symptoms include blood in the urine, pain or
    discomfort during urination, frequent urination, and feeling the need to urinate but being unable to.

    Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. A combination of these
    therapies may be applied in some situations. Typically, a physical examination, urine tests, imaging tests (such as CT
    scans or MRIs), and a biopsy are used to identification

    Patients can seek treatment for bladder cancer at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) in Benin City, the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) in Enugu, and the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in Lagos. Anyone struggling with a cancer diagnosis or another medical condition may find this reassuring. It is critical to care for our physical health, but it is also essential tor remember God through challenging and uncertain times.

    Patients can seek treatment for bladder cancer at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) in Benin City, the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) in Enugu, and the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in Lagos. Anyone struggling with a cancer diagnosis or another medical condition may find this reassuring. It is critical to care for our physical health, but it is also essential tor remember God through challenging and uncertain times.


    • The hardest working muscle in your body is your heart. According to recent research, the human nose can distinguish at least a trillion different odors.
    • Buckingham Palace in London, England, has 775 rooms, including 78 bathrooms.
    • The longest place name in the word, at 85 letters, is “Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikima
      ungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu,” New Zealand. Locals just call it Taumata Hill..
    • Tears contain a natural painkiller, which reduces pain and improves your mood.
    • According to Genesis 1:20‑22, the chicken came before the egg. The Book of Genesis states that “God created all living things.



    may puzzle

    Search words: Fame, Menor, Diligence, Attain, Study, Vision, Phase, Succeed.

    Your faith is the victorious power available to you. If you believe, you will receive it and live to enjoy it. Whether you accept it or not, every believer has a deposit of faith within. However, your continuous victory is only possible by holding on and applying faith.

    How to Apply your Victory:

    • Feed on your victory continually.
    • Act on your victory
    • Insist on your victory
    • Testify of your victory
    • Help others to get their victory

    FAITH, an indispensable factor in our Victory Parade